
Who is it for?

ThetaHealing® is a meditation technique that uses theta brainwaves to help you discover the power of your subconscious mind and allows you to release limiting beliefs and energy blocks in order for you to achieve your highest potential.

I recommend ThetaHealing® healing sessions to those clients who are looking for profound Divine energy healing and freedom from negative mental patterns.

ThetaHealing® classes are adressed to those looking to awaken their inner healer, those who wish to learn to dig deep into the subconscious mind and those who are curious about the mystical side of our world.

Examples of situations that can be resolved with ThetaHealing®:

  • No matter how much money I make, there is always something happening and I lose it. I’m unable to create wealth/abundance.

  • Even if I have the necessary skills and meet all the requirements, I can’t get a promotion/ Somebody is always ahead of me or I’m a scapegoat.

  • I attract wrong people/ All my partners cheat on me even if they’d never cheated on their exes.

  • My heart is broken and I can’t move on a past relationship/loss of a loved one.

Private healing session

Theta brainwaves (4-8Hz) occur most often in the sleep but are also dominant in this deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory and intuition and it is the state when our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on the signals originating within.

In a one-to-one healing session we work on creating changes on all levels: physical, mental, in the soul and the energy field. Using Theta brainwave we access the subconscious mind and clear the blocks that stand in the way of the desired healing, manifestation or the creation of the reality we want. A Theta healing session with a skillful practitioner is a profound experience that allows you to truly know yourself and empowers you to get what you want.

Sessions can be done in person or online.

ThetaHealing® classes

Theta Healing® training is addressed to anyone who is ready for a positive shift in their lives. The only requirement is that they believe in a Creator or a Higher Power.

Each student will find their own ways in which Theta Healing will benefit their lives – healers and therapists will increase the power and efficiency of their own methods, artists will find inspiration to develop their talents and people in other jobs will achieve their highest potential in whatever they do. On personal level it is the same - everyone grows and heals in the area that they need the most, they get clarity and find more purpose in their life.

For an updated list of the classes I teach, please check:


“What you think - you BECOME.

What you feel - you ATTRACT.

What you imagine - you CREATE.”