Advanced DNA

Deepen your journey and free your soul from carrying old baggage.

Theta Healing® course 2.

This 3 days course (4 days online) allows the students to deepen their understanding of the ThetaHealing modality and gives them additional tools. The students continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance their knowledge of downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.


After clearing certain limitations in the Basic DNA course, the students are ready to:

   - Go deeper in their learning and healing journey and release the binding oaths, vows, soul commitments and contracts, in order to free themselves and to create the reality they want.

-       Release old resentments, regrets, and rejections that are tying up their energy

-       Learn to connect to crystals, shift the energy in their space by charging objects with necessary energy and communicate with other realms and their higher self.

-       Return soul fragments, heal broken hearts and broken souls

-       Remember their future and learn ways to shift it into a desired direction

-        Receive over 1000 life enhancing Feeling Downloads


Pre-requisites: Basic DNA

What is included:

-       International Certification from ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge (USA)

-       The book “Advanced ThetaHealing® Harnessing the Power of All That Is” by V.Stibal

-       Advanced DNA practitioner manual.